Today I’m wearing… Poncho from ZARA Black pants from ZARA Slip on sneakers from Celestino
Category: sneakers
November's Wishlist
1. Otto d’Ame slim fit coat. 2. Nike Free 5.0 Women’s Running Shoe. 3. Mango long mohair-blend coat. 4. H&M mohair cropped sweater. 5. Sante thigh high boots. 6. H&M top. 7. Mango leather joggers. 8. Mansur Gavriel’s bucket bag.
Hottest shoes for F/W 2014
Ο Σεπτέμβριος κοντεύει κιόλας να περάσει και έφτασε η ώρα για ανανέωση. Τί και αν στην Ελλάδα ο καιρός δε λέει να χαλάσει? Εγώ εντόπισα για εσάς τα πιο hot παπούτσια για τη νέα σεζόν και σας τα παρουσιάζω για να διαλέξετε αυτό που ταιριάζει στο δικό σας στυλ. Όλα από την αγαπημένη μας MIGATO.… Continue reading Hottest shoes for F/W 2014
MIGATO S/S 2014 – A day in the store
Πριν από περίπου μία εβδομάδα είχα την τύχη να περάσω ένα πρωινό στο κατάστημα της MIGATO στην Πάτρα (Μαιζώνος 127, τηλ. 2610621080). Εκεί είδα από κοντά τη συλλογή Άνοιξη/Καλοκαίρι 2014 και γνώρισα τις φοβερές κοπέλες που εργάζονται στο κατάστημα οι οποίες είναι κάτι παραπάνω από εξυπηρετικές! Μαζί τους δοκίμασα τα αγαπημένα μου ζευγάρια και εξασφάλισα… Continue reading MIGATO S/S 2014 – A day in the store
What to Wear – 20140210
Trainer-lovers and style setters will remember 2013 as the year of the sports shoe. The New Balance sneaker trend and the wedged Isabel Marant high tops, have been a street style favorite for many – with even the most conservative of dressers swapping their pin-thin stilettos for sneakers. Adidas is set to follow in the… Continue reading What to Wear – 20140210
What To Wear – 20130905
Lacoste, Victor & Rolf and Neil Barrett brought a sense of sports on their runway. Loose lines, soft textures and comfort are the words to describe them. The question is, how can we copy the look but looking chic and sexy too? And most importantly, how can we make a look that takes us from… Continue reading What To Wear – 20130905
Just Ordered
I wanted a pair of wedge sneakers since I first saw the amazing Isabel Marants. Yesterday I decided to buy these Steve Maddens in black and my order has just been confirmed. I can’t wait for them to arrive. What do you think? Is it a yea or nay?
These boots are made for walking…
…but Not just what they’ll do, since they could just as well be exhibits in a gallery or a museum of modern art. Boots are an essential piece for every womans Winter wardrobe. For Fall/Winter 2012/13 the designers did they’re best to create statement pieces that are empowering yet wearable. These are the ones that… Continue reading These boots are made for walking…